Taking land off the market to make the city affordable


What Community Land Trusts can do

Housing prices are rising in Brussels and in cities around the world. One of the causes is the financialization of housing: housing has been discovered by international capital as a safe investment object.

Couldn't a solution to the housing crisis be to take housing and land off the market, so that it cannot be speculated on and remains affordable forever? Community Land Trusts are already doing this in cities around the world. How can this be scaled up? What is the potential for Brussels?

Community Land Trusts (CLTs) are community-led organizations that acquire land to develop affordable housing and other facilities. By dividing ownership of the land and buildings and attaching anti-speculation conditions to the ownership of the buildings, they remain affordable forever.

CLT's in Burlington and Puerto Rico (the Caño Martín Peña CLT), World Habitat, CLTB and the CALICO project, and the head of the housing alderman’s office in Barcelona.

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This event was organised by Community Land Trust Brussels (CLTB) in collaboration with Perspective.Brussels, World Habitat, Cosmopolis, Brussels Centre for Urban Studies and Brussels Academy, at the occasion of CLTB winning this year's World Habitat Award.