#ChangeOurPicture - Join CoHabitat's Photo Journalism Competition!

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This is a cellphone photography competition open to anyone who lives in an informal settlement in Africa. Pick up your smart phone and join us as we make media and make change!

To change the image of informal settlements across the continent and document inspiring stories of participatory and inclusive city-making, SDI, urbaMonde and DPU launch a photography competition: #ChangeOurPicture is a competition open for anyone living in an informal settlement in Africa passionate about storytelling and photography.

The initiative is supported by Cohabitat within its collaborative documentation approach, promoting community journalism and youth documenters, and the collaboration with SDI's KnowYourCity.TV initiative.

The competition runs from 1 October to 10 December. Weekly prizes will go the the best social change influencer (those most active with their shares and comments), best photographer and best caption writer. At the end of the competition in December, SDI and DPU will select the best teams with the most creative photography, the most interesting writing and the most likes and shares and invite these lucky winners on an international exchange. The teams will get to travel and share their experiences, as well as mentored and trained to take their media making to the next level.

Search for the hashtag #ChangeOurPicture on social media to discover the different entries. Share, comment and repost to help spread the word!

Learn more: https://sites.google.com/view/changeourpicture/home
Information en francais : https://sites.google.com/view/changeourpicturefr/home